
Celebrities trust Homeopathy as

The stars & Celebrities who use Homeopathy medicine and believe in Homeopathy. What do David Beckham, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Usain Bolt and Pamela Anderson have in common? They are all fans of homeopathy.…


Homeopathic Child Delivery: Normal

One of the most painful dreaded event in women's life LABOR is a natural process to expel the full term baby in the womb. But, several physical & biological factors may alter the normal process giving…

Health Tips

Rhinitis: Clinical Management

Before we formulate the management protocol for Rhinitis, let us first take a look at the presently available knowledge about Rhinitis & its management. This surely will enable us in formulating a…


Biochemic Combination Salts

BIO-COMBINATIONS OR BIO-PLASGENS In human body, there are certain essential salts (inorganic) that are responsible for growth, development and repair of tissue cells. These tissue cells constitute organs.…


Brush your Heart Disease away

Brushing your teeth twice a day not only keeps your teeth & gums healthy, it also prevents heart disease, according to a new study. The Scottish study of more than 11,000 adults backs previous research…


ENT surgery can be avoided: Homeopathy

One of the senior ENT surgeon, Head of ENT at a prestigious institute was invited to lecture on ENT & Homeopathy, he shared his clinical experience & the miraculous results he achieved through…