Natural treatment

Home remedies

It is always better to use simple & readily available substances at the home for managing illness. But, what to use? how to use? & when to use should be learnt. At the same time they should be…


What is Homeopathy?

A safe system of medicine, simple & cost effective. Helps the individuals immune system to heal itself. Highly useful to combat a large number of acute & chronic disease known to have no cure…


Cirrhosis can now be cured naturally

Introduction: A so called, non-reversible, nodule formation in the liver, due to variety of reasons leading to loss of liver function. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcoholism, hepatitis B and…


Corn on foot treated without surgery

GENETIC SIMILIMUM: CASE OF HELOMA DURUM (CORN) Nambisan, Nisanth KM1; Nambisan, Smita N2 ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Heloma durums also known as corns are areas of hard, thickened skin that develop when…